On the Fantasty of Breaking Your Own Legs
On The Fantasy of Breaking Your Own Legs Here’s the thing about pain, if you figure out a way to remove it, then maybe, you won’t have to worry about it anymore. Welcome to the almost end of your journey! The only thing that has carried you so far are your legs. The weather has been hot. You’ve been seeing mirages in the distance. Not everyone still has their legs, turning jelly under the scorching heat. But because you have yours, you’re expected to keep moving forward, despite the heat and thirst. (In your dreams, it’s the sandstorm that swallowed your family that haunts you.) Benefits of Breaking Your Legs? 1. Your muscles hurt all the time – It’s Sore. 2. If it’s pain, then it becomes a tangible sort of pain. 3. Pain that everyone can see. Loss that is shared. 4. You won’t have to walk for a while, expectations of said action kille...